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WHAT IS YOUR SUMMER MISSION?To reach and strengthen kids for Christ through sports and mountain adventure. Each child will be KNOWN and LOVED through the Camp Timberline experience.
WHEN CAN I START APPLYING FOR JOBS AT CAMP TIMBERLINE?Staff can begin applying after summer camp ends and we will begin scheduling interviews after September 1st each year.
WHAT DOES A TYPICAL DAY LOOK LIKE?Every moment of the day is a chance to share the Gospel message whether it comes from reading Scripture in a small group, hearing a life story, watching how counselors interact, tangible lessons in God’s creation, shooting hoops, scaling a climbing wall, or giving kids an opportunity to live out their faith and Christian example with their attitude and sportsmanship. Overnight Camp Schedule Some days have different themed schedules but this is generally how things operate at overnight camp. Support staff schedules will vary depending on daily duties as well. Day Camp Schedule
DO I HAVE TO COME TO TRAINING?Training is required for all summer positions.
DO I HAVE TO WORK THE WHOLE SUMMER?Most staff are hired for 5-week terms but full-summer commitments can be considered.
DO STAFF RECEIVE TIME OFF?We value your time and commitment to serve at camp so staff are provided 24-hour cumulative time off each week and the schedule is based on number of terms worked and location (resident camp or day camp). Staff can expect nights off and breaks between camper sessions (end of camper week is on Friday/Saturdays and starts on Sundays). Please see the Staff Policies and Procedures for a full description of time off available to staff.
CAN I USE MY SUMMER JOB AS AN INTERNSHIP?Camp Timberline has a variety of summer roles that can be utilized for internships with colleges and universities! Potential staff members interested in pursuing college credit or an internship during the summer are responsible for communicating with a Camp Director and gaining approval for the registration of such credits. If you are also interested in a fall internship, we offer an excellent program in EXP as well!
AM I OLD ENOUGH TO WORK AT CAMP T?Staff are required to be one year out of high school to be considered for overnight camp programs. However, Juniors and Seniors in high school can apply for our Counselor In Training program that is offered with Day Camp!
WHAT MAKES A GOOD REFERENCE?We ask for three references – work reference, character reference, and pastor/spiritual reference. We do allow a character reference to be a peer that knows you well, howeverwe ask that the other references be supervisors, teachers, small group leaders, ministry leaders, etc. As you list references, please include their email as our reference forms are sent out via email. Please do not list roommates or family members.
ARE MY REFERENCE FORMS SENT OUT AUTOMATICALLY?Yes, after entering their email address in the reference section of the online application, they will receive a notification, link to our website, and specific code to enter. Staff areresponsible to check with references to make sure they received the link from us and are able to complete the form in a timely manner.
HOW MUCH ARE STAFF PAID?Staff are paid $320 per week plus $552 for Staff Training and all room and board is provided during contracted dates!
WHAT POSITIONS ARE AVAILABLE?We offer a wide variety of opportunities! Please see our list of Positions Available.
WHAT CERTIFICATIONS DO I NEED TO HAVE BEFORE CAMP?All summer staff must have valid and current Adult & Pediatric CPR certifications while employed at Camp Timberline. In addition, Counselor Coaches, Ropes Staff, Beyond Timberline Guides, and Shift Counselors are required to have a Wilderness First Aid Certification while under contract. Camp offers both certification courses FREE of charge to staff members during Staff Training but staff are expected to complete online material prior to attending camp in order to pass the certifications. Staff may also submit current CPR certification copies to the camp office as long as it is through the American Heart Association or American Red Cross.
ARE THERE DEADLINES FOR APPLICATIONS?Applications will be accepted after September 1st until all positions are filled for the next summer. So the earlier an application is received, the more dates and positions can be considered.
WHAT POSITIONS ARE AVAILABLE?You are welcome to email to see what specific positions are still open.
Base Camp
Day Camp
Support Staff
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